The Swinging And Unstable Price Of Petrol As Analysed By Nigeria Bureau Of Stasitics.

The Swinging And Unstable Price Of Petrol As Analysed By Nigeria Bureau Of Stasitics.

The bureau stated this in its Petrol Price Watch for January 2024, released in Abuja on Thursday, February 22.

It said that the January 2024 price of N668.30 represented a 159.92 per cent increase over the price of N257.12 recorded in January 2023.

“Comparing the average price value with the previous month of December 2023, the average retail price increased by 0.53 per cent from N671.86.

“On state profile analysis, Kebbi paid the highest average retail price of N796.67 per litre, followed by Zamfara and Taraba at N771.43 and N704.11 respectively.

“Conversely, Kwara, Niger and Kogi paid the lowest average retail price at N614.90, 624.04 and 626.79 respectively,” the bureau stated.

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