The Championship In England Is Not A Stroll In The Park.

The English championship is getting tighter and tougher by the day. Leicester city that were almost running away from other teams with a huge lead, have suddenly found their lead cut short to only three.

It is indeed a dog fight out there, just like in the premiership, where Liverpool are on top with an uncomfortable 1 point lead over Man city and two points above Arsenal, we eagerly await as we get to the crescendo . We wait to see how it pans out at the end of the day.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, over this weekend Anfield will be on fire as the Anfield warlords will be clashing with the Manchester gladiators from the blue side of Manchester, as Pep and his full gang will be visiting Jurgen Klopp and his own guys in what could turn out to be a season’s decider, a draw by both teams could leave the Gunners in pole position, if they too can do their job tomorrow, before the reds clash with the blues on Sunday .

See the table of the championship after 36 matches played and see the closeness.

Hood Newspapers.

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