Labour Unions At Logger heads.

Labour Unions At Logger heads.

“Comrade President, also note that we are not averse to the issuance of your resolution because our members equally feel the pain, even if it’s a weeklong national strike, but we have a huge problem with the unilateral declaration for a process we both muted and agreed, because our members are equally concerned about the rising cost of living and not particularly the ultimatum, why can’t we see through the ultimatum that expires within the same period before jointly addressing other issues of mutual concern or at worst consolidate them?

“At best when the NLC conveyed its NEC meeting on the subject of mutual concern, courtesy demands that we ought to have been informed so we can synergise on the way forward and not to jump the gun.

“We cannot be seen to undermine the process of synergy and collaboration between both centers that predates the current leadership of both congresses.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we fully understand that NLC is an independent labour center that has the right to take independent decisions, it is pertinent that when such decisions are taken unilaterally, there is a need to go ahead and implement them unilaterally.

“We wish to postulate that both centers have demonstrated severally that we both can go solo but my comrade President, you will agree with the slogan we couched for this unity that “we are always stronger together”, and that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

“We want you to always remember that we have teeming members that we lead and are answerable to, when such abnormally happens the leadership has the right to defend the sanctity of its congress.

“Recall this same issue of unilateral decision, was what made us stay away from the two days warning strike that you staged in September last year.

“The entire world noticed our collective strength when the governor of Imo state overstepped his bounds, and we rose to the occasion.

“That is the kind of synergy and collaboration that we yearn for and that we strongly believe the Nigerian working people and the downtrodden are looking for from our collaborative efforts of working together.

“As you are aware of our previous discussions that accumulated into a late-night meeting at the NUEE Lodge, Utako last year after the unilateral decision of a two days warning strike and several other interventions which emphasized the importance of mutual respect, collaboration and effective communication in matters affecting workers and the masses.

“Congress was greatly taken aback and dismayed to learn that you addressed the press and announced the dates for the nationwide protest without consulting us. Making arrangements for the press is even an indication that you have an idea of what the outcome of the NEC meeting would be. This action undermines the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that we have worked hard to foster.

“Nonetheless, we wish to state that such unilateral actions are contrary to the principles of our shared understanding and collaboration. To uphold the integrity of our partnership and ensure that the voices of all workers are heard, decisions of this nature must be made through open dialogue and consensus-building.

“We kindly urge you to reconsider your approach and to engage in meaningful consultation with all parties moving forward as we will always do the same when the table turns. By doing so, we can reaffirm our commitment to working together for the betterment of workers’ rights and welfare.”

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