Thank Message From The Author Of “Billionaire bounded by Love”

Thank Message From The Author Of “Billionaire bounded by Love”

Good afternoon great listeners of my audio drama series titled “Billionaire bounded by Love (a family story that erupted into romantic adventures). I want to say a big thank you to the great listeners of my fictional drama series on Pocket FM radio app. It has a splendid journey so far. On dashboard I can see that my story is attracting an active listenership of almost sixty percent, about 59.12%, which is no mean feat.

Most of the listeners I do not even know them, over 98% of the listeners of my audio series are unknown to me, and they are all over the globe. I thank you all. I as well urge you to follow my audio series with same passion, because we are now in the business end of the work. So please continue to support me with your listenership. God almighty bless and enrich your pockets as you buy coins to listen to my audio drama series on Pocket FM radio app.

Please, if you have not downloaded the Pocket FM radio app, kindly do and search for my work billionaire bounded by love. My pen name is Saint Luciano Love. Thanks a million. Expect more. Today’s edition will come on later in the evening, all things being equal.

Lucky Odili aka Saint Luciano Love.

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