Super Eagles Players Get Private Jets From Their Teams To Fly Out Of Libya.

Super Eagles Players Get Private Jets From Their Teams To Fly Out Of Libya.

We hear they refused the chartered flight carrying the Eagles to refuel for hours! The Super Eagles clubs were already sending private jets to carry their players out of Libya.

The only problem was that they would only be allowed to land in Tripoli which is hours away from the abandoned airport they kept the eagles..

They finally agreed after hours and the plane refuelled.

The delay prompted the posts from Wilfred Ndidi and Victor Boniface.

Mainstream Media outlets all over the world have broadcasted that LIBYA HELD NIGERIA NATIONAL TEAM H0STAGĀ£.

If Nigeria did the same to them, you think the world won’t pick it up?..

The boys will be on their way back in a few minutes. Libya won’t do this again.

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