Sean Combs Gate Puff Diddy: Kanye West’s POV -Another Revelation.

Sean Combs Gate Puff Diddy: Kanye West’s POV -Another Revelation.

Kanye West is right about this💯💯
This is what happens when you sell your soul to the d£vil for wealth, fame and power.
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Kanye West;
” Diddy was controlled to do everything he did. I’ve been there, and I can tell you every Hollywood celebrity has a story to tell. There are people in power who control you, turning you into a d£mon so they have something to use against you if you choose to turn your back on them tomorrow. They give you everything with conditions and tell you they can take it all back if you don’t follow instructions.

I had to be the brave one to tell them no, and they made it look like I was m@d. All the musicians with power are pup_pets to a group of influential people. They use them to win souls and when you are tired, they bring you down and continue their mission.

What’s happening to Diddy is what I was talking about but y’all called me cräzy. The system is simple, first they monetize you and give you powęr just so they can cõntrol you and then when they can’t cõntrol you anymore, they déstroy you.”

“They’re ãngry with me because they can’t cõntrol me. They can cõntrol Jay-Z and Beyoncé, they can control Diddy and every other person they’re controllîng but they can’t contrõl me. They want me to be Kanye West but I’m Ye, I don’t care who you are but I’m not taking any dîsrespect from nobody. The only person who can cõntrol and even dîsrespect me if He wants is God. My mother isn’t here because she was sacrifîced. Michael Jordan sacrifîced his Daddy, Dr Dre sacrifîced his son.

When you’re in Hollywood, you sacrifîce a lot just so they can give you the money and power and then cõntrol you. God loves me and that’s why I realized myself and went back to him and became Christian Ye. When I refusęd to be controlled, they didn’t have anything they could use agaînst me so they instead took awãy everythîng I had. And after they took awãy everything, Forbes Magazine who hâte me was so quick to write “Kanye West new Networth: $400-million). And I just laughed cuz I’m still a billionaire. Jesus is king and God loves me so I’m saying this truth out because as long as God is on my side, nothîng can happen to me.”~ Kanye West

Bob Marley said, “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.”
Listen to a Reggae song called “Gone Cräzy” by Admiral Tibet.
Lyrics; The people of this world gone cräzy, I said the people of this world gone mäd, all because of vanity they will do anything just to have, I heard someone saying the other day that life doesn’t make sense living, they lost their fate along the way but Jah is always forgiving. I don’t have to be rich to be a happy man, money can’t buy you and I salvation. I don’t have to be rich to be a righteous man, as long as my meditation is free from corruption. Some will sell their soul for vanity just to move up in society, all I need is Jah blessings, prosperity, eternally. I’ve seen many poor men live and I’ve seen many rich men dië.”
That’s why I keep telling you that Reggae is a vehicle, used to transmit a deep message to the people.

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